

Considerations for Federal Register Comments on proposed Model National Family Foster Home Licensing Standards

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The proposed Model National Family Foster Home Licensing Standards are a requirement of the Family First Prevention Services Act. This resource was developed jointly by National Association for Regulatory Administration (NARA), Generations United & American Bar Association (ABA) Center on Children and the Law to assist those who wish to comment on these proposed standards (September 2018).

National Model Family Foster Home Licensing Standards, ACYF-CB-IM-19-01

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On February 4, 2019, the Children’s Bureau released final National Model Family Foster Home Licensing Standards (National Model), as required by the Family First Prevention Services Act.  The Children’s Bureau used the NARA Model Family Foster Home Licensing Standards (NARA Model) as the “main source” for its proposed National Model, and then accorded it “considerable deference” in deciding whether to modify the proposed National Model. 

February 28, 2019 Generations United Webinar - Improving State and Tribal Foster Family Home Licensing Standards: Complying with the Family First Prevention Services Act’s Licensing Requirements

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Webinar on how and why to comply with mandatory March 31st Family First Act licensing requirements, and the important role grandfamilies’ advocates play in that process.  The webinar explores the new national model foster family home licensing standards released by the Children’s Bureau on February 4th, the National Association for Regulatory Administration (NARA) model family foster home licensing standards on which the Children Bureau “relied heavily,” and the specific reporting requirements for states and tribes.

This is our collective chance to eliminate unnecessary licensing barriers so more relatives caring for children in foster care can become licensed and receive ongoing monthly financial assistance, supports, and pathways to exit the system with monthly assistance.  These model standards address all foster family homes, so addressing unnecessary obstacles will facilitate the licensing of more non-relative foster family homes as well.  Cultural considerations for tribes are explored on the webinar, as well as specialized standards for family-based treatment foster care.

Power Point Slides


New Opportunities for Kinship Families: Action Steps to Implement the Family First Prevention Services Act in Your Community

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Family First brief  developed by ABA Center on Children and the Law, Children's Defense Fund and Generations United that highlights provisions that help kinship families, along with steps caregivers, advocates, and other leaders can take to help implement the Family First Act. Includes a chart comparing services and supports for kin before and after the Family First Act.  (December 2018).