Kinship Diversion Debate Kinship Diversion Debate Saturday, June 1, 2013 0 0 This report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation explores the practice of "kinship diversion" in which children are placed with relatives as an alternative to foster care. Different perspectives about whether kinship diversion is a good or bad practice are offered. The report concludes that child welfare agencies should more thoroughly explore their kinship diversion practices to ensure they adequately meet the needs of children, their parents and kinship caregivers (2013). Read more
TANF and Child Welfare Programs: Increased Data Sharing Could Improve Access to Benefits and Services TANF and Child Welfare Programs: Increased Data Sharing Could Improve Access to Benefits and Services Saturday, October 1, 2011 0 0 US Government Accountability Office (GAO) study (2011). Read more
State Kinship Care Policies for Children that Come to the Attention of Child Welfare Agencies: Findings from the 2007 Casey Kinship Foster Care Policy Survey State Kinship Care Policies for Children that Come to the Attention of Child Welfare Agencies: Findings from the 2007 Casey Kinship Foster Care Policy Survey Monday, December 1, 2008 0 0 Summarizes key findings from the most recent survey of states’ kinship care policies. This study looks at the implications of states increasing their use of relatives to care for abused and neglected children to avoid having to take children into custody, from Child Trends (2008). Read more
Time for Reform, Support Relatives in Providing Foster Care and Permanent Families for Children Time for Reform, Support Relatives in Providing Foster Care and Permanent Families for Children Friday, June 1, 2007 0 0 Presents the latest findings on the impact of relative care for children in foster care, describes the role of relatives as permanent families for the children in their care, and offers cost-effective ways to support relatives as caregivers through federal policy, from Kids Are Waiting and Generations United (2007). Read more