

Webinar - Washington Kinship Caregivers: Making Alternate Care Plans for The Children You Raise

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Generations United/ King County Bar Association/Metis Estate Planning PLLC provide a 90-minute webinar on the range of legal relationship options in Washington State, and how those options can translate into alternate care plans for grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other kin children.  This webinar provides information on making arrangements for who will raise the children in the event of the caregiver's death, along with other estate planning (2020).   

Power Point Slides

Recording with slides 

Webinar Recording: COVID-19 and Child Welfare Cases

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In coordination with the U.S. Children’s Bureau, the Center helped host a webinar on COVID-19 and Child Welfare Cases. The webinar highlights the federal government's recent guidance on emerging legal issues in child welfare cases and helps attorneys and judges apply that guidance in case-by-case decision making.

Webinar: Legal Relationships and Public Benefits for Kinship/Grandfamilies

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One of the most fundamental differences between kinship/grandfamilies and parent-headed families is the lack of an automatic legal relationship between the caregiver and child. Without such a relationship, access to services and supports for the child and their kinship/grandfamily can be challenging, if not impossible.

This webinar explores the various legal relationship options and the array of public benefits and tax credits that are available to these families. Presented by the Director of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center, Ana Beltran, JD, and Network subject matter expert, Heidi Redlich Epstein, MSW, JD, Director of Kinship Policy and State Projects, American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law.
