2021 GAP Convenings
Three regional convenings hosted by the ABA Center on Children and the Law, Children's Defense Fund, and Generations United, with support from Casey Family Programs, were held to explore the implementation of the Title IV-E Guardianship Assistance Program (GAP).
State, territory and tribal teams attended the virtual half-day convenings aimed at facilitating conversations among jurisdictions that have a GAP program to better understand promising practices and ongoing implementation strengths and challenges. The convenings provided jurisdictions the opportunity to engage in peer to peer discussions and learn from each other about successful GAP practices.
GAP was designed as a culturally sensitive option for children for whom adoption and reunification with parents are not appropriate, and it is a critical tool in your efforts to address racial inequities and help more children exit foster care into a permanent family.
For questions about the GAP convenings please contact grandfamilies@gu.org