

Using New Federal Funding Opportunities to Develop Effective Kinship Navigator Programs Webinars

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Regional webinars delivered on accessing new federal funding available under the Family First Prevention Services Act for states, tribes and U.S. territories and developing high quality, evidence-based programs.  This webinar featured presentations from national experts, local programs, and kinship caregivers. It also includes information about how to develop programs to meet evidence-based standards and highlight opportunities for further technical assistance. Hosted by Generations United as part of a regional webinar series supported by Casey Family Programs (2018).

Dec. 4, 2018 West Coast, Midwest, Alaska, Hawaii

Dec. 5, 2018 Southern Region

Dec. 6, 2018 Eastern Region

Considerations for Federal Register Comments on proposed Model National Family Foster Home Licensing Standards

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The proposed Model National Family Foster Home Licensing Standards are a requirement of the Family First Prevention Services Act. This resource was developed jointly by National Association for Regulatory Administration (NARA), Generations United & American Bar Association (ABA) Center on Children and the Law to assist those who wish to comment on these proposed standards (September 2018).