With the support of Casey Family Programs, Generations United built and manages GRAND Voices, a group of kinship caregivers from around the country who have a range of expertise and personal experience as grandparents and other relatives who have raised children when their parents have been unable to raise them.
Starting in 2017, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michigan has invested support to elevate and strengthen African American, Latino and Native American Grandfamilies as part of GRAND Voices. Generations United partnered on this initiative with the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) and A Second Chance, Inc. The project created toolkits for serving Native American, Latino and African American grandfamilies.
GRAND Voices has over 80 members in 46 states, the District of Columbia and 12 tribes. To see the members, visit www.gu.org/explore-our-topics/grandfamilies/grand-network/.
What's the purpose of GRAND Voices?
GRAND Voices is designed to ensure there are strong caregiver voices in shaping programs, policies and strategies that result in better outcomes for children and families. GRAND Voices promote improvements to the child welfare system and other supportive services both inside and outside of the child welfare system.
GRAND Voices:
- Advocate on behalf of kinship caregivers at the federal, state and local levels
- Provide input on draft publications and other materials for kinship families
- Model the value of caregiver engagement
- Foster leadership development
How do I join?
The states without GRAND Voices are Arkansas, Delaware, Hawai'i, and South Dakota. If you're from one of the states not represented yet, and are interested in joining, please contact Robyn Wind, Generations United's GRAND Voices Coordinator, at rwind@gu.org.
Who do I contact if I'm interested in engaging a GRAND Voice?
Please contact Robyn Wind, Generations United's GRAND Voices Coordinator, at rwind@gu.org.