

Adoption and Permanent Legal Custodianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care: PENNSYLVANIA Comparison Chart

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This chart by Generations United and the ABA Center on Children and the Law, with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, is designed to help kinship foster parents in Pennsylvania compare adoption and permanent legal custodianship as two options that you and the children in your care can pursue to exit foster care and create permanent families (2021).

Adoption and Transfer of Legal Custody for Children in Kinship Foster Care: VIRGINIA Comparison Chart

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This chart by Generations United and the Virginia Poverty Law Center, with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, is designed to help kinship foster parents in Virginia compare adoption and transfer of legal custody as options that you and the children in your care can pursue to exit foster care and create permanent families (2021).


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This website has information about kids waiting to be adopted, the process for adoption and some post adoption information.  It is not directed at kinship caregivers who are adopting, but some of the information may be helpful.

All Children Deserve a Permanent Family: Subsidized Guardianship as a Common Sense Solution for Relatives in Long Term Foster Care

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Presents new data showing the foster care system’s significant reliance on relatives, and highlights the need for subsidized guardianships as another permanency option for children for whom reunification with parents or adoption is not viable. It also features new data on Latino children, from Generations United (2007).
